Athletes Foot

What is athlete's foot?

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection. Although you can develop a fungal infection anywhere on your body, athlete's foot is only on your feet. Because locker rooms, swimming pools, and shower rooms tend to harbor a lot of fungi, athletes tend to suffer this condition frequently, and that's how it was named. Even if you're never in a place like a locker room or public pool, your feet are particularly vulnerable to fungal infections because they're so often enclosed in a damp, dark environment (your socks and shoes).

What are the symptoms of athlete's foot?

Athlete's foot can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Itchy skin, especially between the toes
  • Burning, especially between your toes
  • Blisters on your feet
  • Cracked skin on your feet
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Scaly skin that may peel
  • Inflamed, red skin
  • Swelling around your toes

Although athlete's foot is usually worst between the toes, it can move into other parts of your feet including your toenails and the bottom of your feet. It's actually possible to spread the fungus to another part of your body if you scratch and then touch skin elsewhere.

How is athlete's foot treated?

Your foot and ankle specialists podiatrist will do a thorough foot exam to verify an athlete's foot diagnosis and then prescribe a remedy based on your needs. For a mild case of athlete's foot, your podiatrist may recommend an over-the-counter remedy; however, you may need a stronger antifungal ointment to get rid of athlete's foot. For the most severe cases of athlete's foot, your podiatrist may prescribe an oral antifungal medication.

How can I prevent athlete's foot in the future?

A few careful foot hygiene measures can help you avoid athlete's foot. The following are some good practices to follow.

  • Wash your feet well using soap and water, then dry completely daily
  • Wear shoes at all times, especially outdoors or in public areas
  • Sprinkle antifungal powder on your feet to help minimize perspiration
  • Don't reuse socks
  • Change socks and shoes if they grow damp
  • Wear moisture-wicking socks

With the lifestyle changes above and your podiatrist's help, you can avoid recurrent athlete's foot. To stomp out athlete's foot, use the online appointment maker or call the foot and ankle specialists location closest to you now.

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