If you have uncontrolled diabetes, you can develop foot problems because of nerve and blood vessel damage. Diabetic foot damage is typically caused by diabetic neuropathy or peripheral vascular disease.
Diabetic neuropathy occurs when your blood sugar is too high, causing nerve damage. The nerve damage tends to be the worst in your extremities, mainly your feet. Nerve damage in this area can make it difficult to feel your feet, which can lead to injuries that you're not aware of.
Diabetes can also seriously damage your blood vessels. In peripheral vascular disease, the arteries that deliver blood to your extremities grow too narrow, and you don't get enough blood to your feet. This can cause poor wound healing, resulting in problems like diabetic ulcers.
Diabetic foot ulcers are wounds or sores that don't heal properly. They're one of the most common foot issues for diabetics, affecting 19-34% of all sufferers. Diabetic foot ulcers are very vulnerable to infection, which can lead to amputation in the most severe cases. But, regularly scheduled foot exams can lower amputation rates by 45-85%.
Some of the warning signs of diabetic foot problems include:
If you have any of the problems above, see a foot and ankle specialists podiatrist as soon as possible.
The foot and ankle specialists podiatrists offer a wide range of diabetic foot care. Treatment can include any of the following.
If noninvasive treatments aren't successful, your podiatrist may recommend surgery for diabetic foot issues. Surgery can correct deformities that add pressure to your diabetic foot wounds. In cases of totally necrotic tissue, you may need toe or foot amputation to maintain your health.
Your foot and ankle specialists podiatrist is ready to help with diabetic foot care, so book your appointment online or call the location nearest you to schedule an appointment today.